Pregnant after IF

Very heavy discharge 6dp3dt?

Hi ladies, I'm currently 6dp3dt and my beta is Monday, of course the waiting game is driving me nuts!  I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped (sorry TMI!) I had a ton of discharge, I literally had to wipe 5 times I was like omg wth!? I have never had anything like this happen during the wait and after 12 IUIs, 2 fresh IVFs and a FET (this is my 3rd fresh IVF) to see something different makes me wonder if this is maybe a good sign? Some of it was clear/watery - some was more white a pasty and the rest was brown/light pink tinged - I am currently on Crinone 2x daily and clean the residual out in the shower every morning, I was on Crinone with my previous cycles just never had something like this...wondering if I am looking into it too much or not?
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