3rd Trimester

Water breaking

So I'm getting ready for work this morning and twice I had some stuff leak out from down there.  The first time wasn't a whole lot, then as I'm bringing my son over to the babysitter's it happened again.  Still not a huge amount, but enough that it soaked my underwear and I had to change my pants.  I decided to stay at home for a few hours instead of heading into work.  It's so crazy not to know if I just accidently pee'd myself or if my water is breaking.  There really wasn't any smell to the liquid. My water never broke with my son so I just don't know what to expect. 

 I'm 39 weeks today, had a check up yesterday and was only 1 cm. dilated; 50% effaced.  I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything but just wanted to get some of your opinions while I sit here and wait. :)  So far I have had no contractions or any other symptoms. 


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