3rd Trimester

36 week surprise?(Also posted on Feb 2013)

Well, perhaps not quite surprise, but definitely a bit unexpected. If any of you ladies have read any of my other posts, you will remember that I was being watched for signs of pre-e because of my blood pressure and headaches.

Well, apparently today was enough for my OB, because she said Tuesday night I need to show up at L&D at 7pm and prepare to drink some really crap tasting stuff that will soften my cervix because on Wednesday morning they're going to start me on pitocin to start labor.

My blood pressure was reading 150/90 the first check, and 140/91 the second check, and it hasn't been very off from that for the passed month and a half or so. Now the swelling has started getting worse, but there is still only a small amount of protien in my urine. Still, she said that with my LO being full term next week, she shouldn't have any problems.

I am of course, still worried and flipping out as a FTM. She also suggested I use the rest of this week to rest up well, stay calm, pack a hospital bag, ect... So I will do so, I've already packed LOs bag and we have the car seat installed in our car, so that is down.

However, I really haven't even started my own bag. What did you pack yours ladies? I was told a lot of women bring something to distract them, so I figure my iPod player will do well for music, and I will have my phone. I do NOT feel comfortable taking my laptop unless it is for DH's benefit. I don't think I'll have time/motivation to use it anyhow.

Thanks in advance ladies!
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