3rd Trimester

Can ultrasound tech hurt baby?

This might sound ridiculous, but I had one of the most annoying ultrasounds of my entire pregnancy the other day and I have been thinking about it ever since.
It was my 36week growth ultrasound and the VERY FIRST THING the tech did was push the probe down SUPER hard on his head to get an image of his brain. It hurt ME, bad. I cringed and jumped a little. After awhile I asked if it was supposed to hurt? She told me it may hurt cause shes pressing a LITTLE hard to get a clear image. Uh, ya think?!
After this I couldnt help but think, poor LO, I hope she didnt hurt him, his poor little head!
Is that possible?! I planned on asking my doctor about it Friday but its just constantly on my mind, hes moving fine and everything, but still.

Also, she had a tech in training sitting in on the U/S and the tech said something about a little fluid around his heart and how he IS FINE because it didnt go down far enough to mean anything was wrong? Uh, I have never heard of fluid being fine! When I gave her a worried look she said to me, oh hes fine, its just good training material.
Way to scare the crap out of me right after you just made me feel like you squished my poor LOs head!
Is it possible she could of hurt him? And has anyone heard of this fluid around the heart being okay?!

Love, Amanda

expecting our little miracle in February

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