Pregnant after IF

More bleeding... (long)

Since the 13th of this month (a little less than 2.5 weeks), I have had 9 episodes of bright red bleeding (well 2 have had a bit of brownish mixed in).  Each episode is a gush of a LOT of blood.  It's like that terrible start of your period when you go the bathroom (sometimes worse).  I went to the Dr on the 14th.  He did an u/s and thought the bleeding was due to a cluster of vessels on my cervix.

I had 4 more episodes after that Dr visit and wasn't convinced this was a normal presentation of a cluster of vessels spontaneously bleeding.  Up until yesterday, all have been in the middle of night.  I went in and saw a different Dr in the practice.  He saw what the first Dr saw, but from his exam he felt that the blood was coming from the uterus.  Placentas looked good with no clots and babies were moving with good heartbeats.  He did say that he couldn't visualize the very tip of one of the placentas because my bladder wasn't full.  Well don't make me give a urine sample when I walk in the office!  He did not really have answer for the bleeding.  He was not concerned and even said we could have sex.  The plan is for me to document when it happens, call if it is persistent and I'll see him in 2 weeks.

I am a clinician that works for the same company (clinical dietitian) so I have full access to my chart.  In his note he referred to the "cluster of vessels" as a "clot on the cervix."  Just different terminology from the docs. He said the results of the u/s were unremarkable.  Then he said "possible marginal abruption based on history." I'm assuming by history he means my description of the episodic bleeds.  A marginal abruption seems like a big deal to me from my research.  Now I'm freaking out.  I have had 3 more episodes in the past 24 hrs.  2 of those have been reddish brown.  I'm chalking this up to irritation from the exam yesterday.  I thought dealing with baby B's omphalocele and possible issues associated with that were enough.  I just can't handle this!  Any advice? Anyone deal with this?

Me: 26 DH: 26
Together 11 years, Married 3.5 years
TTC #1 since 12/2010 with unexplained IF
HSG: normal SA: normal
Jan 2011-April 2011: Femara 2.5 mg with 4 failed cycles
May 2012-Aug 2012: 3 IUIs- 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + Endometrin = BFNs
November 2012: IVF #1 ER: 11/2 22 eggs retrieved. ET: 5dt on 11/7 (2 transferred)
Beta #1 on 11/19: 1069 Beta #2 on 11/21: 2752
1st ultrasound 12/5- It's TWINS!!!
Baby B with omphalocele...awaiting amnio for further testing
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