
Baby reflux update

I wrote a post a few days ago asking how you all knew if your LO needed reflux meds. At her one month appt, the pedi told us not to worry as long as she wasn't projectile vomiting across the room. Well I still felt that things weren't right, and she definitely isn't a "happy spitter" anymore. He listened to my concerns, asked more questions, and said it would be a good idea to do a trial run of Zantac. Plus, I breastfed her in the room before he came in, so he got to witness the 4 or 5 spit ups and crying that we deal with all the time... I think that helped!

Anyways, I'm glad I feel like I'm doing something that could help her feel a little better... Now if I could only make the after effects of the shots go away... Poor miserable baby!
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