3rd Trimester

NBR: Neighbor's yappy dogs...

BG:  We live in a condo complex where the parking lot is some distance from our front door.  To get home from anywhere, we have to walk by a certain neighbor's door, which is diagonally across from ours.  They have two small dogs.

We already are frustrated by the fact that we know that this particular neighbor is responsible for letting their dogs poop on the community lawn (leading to multiple pairs of ruined shoes in our family when we don't see it) which is between the parking area and our house.  DH has spoken to the HOA board and they have not taken action on this.  DH has also spoken to the neighbors but they don't acknowledge their dogs are the culprits.  

Anyway, current frustration is that the homes here all have two doors: a wooden door and a metal screen door.  99% of the homes in our complex leave both closed, but this neighbor leaves the wooden door open and only has the screen door shut.  Dogs then bark at everyone passing by--including me and DD.

DD has now developed a fear of dogs.  They scare her when they bark at her and she breaks down crying and screaming.  She also now won't go outside without me carrying her (which is getting harder to do--and if I have my hands full, near impossible.)  Now she's even taken to saying "No woofuh" when we're inside if she hears *any* neighborhood dogs bark.  

I can't believe the neighbors don't hear  her crying and screaming when their dogs charge at the door (slamming into it and barking at her) and me trying to comfort her, but they don't hush their dogs or bother closing the door.

Would I be out of place asking them to keep their door shut?  

If I had an alternate path to get inside, I'd take it, but I don't.

DD wasn't scared of dogs before (when she was smaller) and they kept their door closed more, but now it's open more often than it's not.

Other ideas? 

BabyFruit Ticker
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