Pregnant after IF

Argh...Pre E sucks!

I'll try to keep this short and sweet.  Went to the hospital yesterday morning due to extreme shortness of breath thinking it wouldn't be much of anything and they would send me home after a complete  check over.  Boy was I wrong.  Turns out I have very high blood pressure with extreme swelling in legs and feet....protein in the urine....and lower platelet counts.  Basically been diagnosed with Pre E and now am still sitting in the hospital being monitored until they decide what to do with me:  Induce me or send me home on bed rest. I am hoping for the latter of the two, but just waiting to hear.

Anyone else have any Pre E stories or know of someone who went through this?  Kind of scary just sitting in limbo wondering if I will be delivering her today or tomorrowIndifferent 

see more After 12
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