Pregnant after IF

Ahhhhhh!!! (Vent!!)

It's just been one of those days....stemming from one of those weekends!!

DH and I took a little trip with a few other couples this weekend and some of our friends brought their say the least, it was not the quiet, relaxing, adult weekend most of us had been hoping for. And it won't happen again.

So after not sleeping in my own bed for a long weekend, having a very long car trip home, and just being overall exhausted, along comes bedtime and I can't shut DH's snoring out! I try to wake him up to send him to the couch without any luck. So already sore and cranky, I yell at him (which I'm sure he doesn't remember) and stomp off to the couch myself. And I did not sleep very well.

I had my MFM appointment this morning for my fetal echo. This went very well. Baby boy's heart looked good and I asked them to recheck my placenta since 2 weeks ago I was told I had moderate placenta previa and was put on pelvic rest until they could recheck it at 32 weeks!!! The doctor who reviewed everything this morning said my placenta is no longer low laying and to disregard any restrictions my OB had given me. She would send them this information in a report. So that was all good!!

Then finally that leads me to work. Nothing major, just super busy after a long weekend away and feeling like I can't get anywhere on anything because people keep asking me to help them with this and that.....

Needless to say that tonight, either DH wears a nose strip or HE sleeps on the couch! LOL

Hope everyone's having a better day than this! Thanks for letting me vent! :)

Tried to conceive on our own for a year before moving on to fertility treatments. Dx unexplained. About 10 months of procedures, shots, and countless doctor appointments, we got our BFP! BFN on 5 IUI's
IVF#1 - ER 09/14/12, ET 09/17/12: two 8 cells, BFP: 9/28 Beta#1 56.8; 10/2 Beta#2 284; 10/5 Beta#3 939; 10/9 Beta #4 4967. One baby on board with EDD 06/07/13!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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