Pregnant after IF

Both tubes blocked..need to hear success stories!

So, I had my first RE appointment yesterday. At first, we thought only my left tube was blocked...but come to find out, they are both blocked. My dr. wants me to have the LAP surgery for a better look, and to see if they can be repaired. If not, we will move on to IVF.

Can anyone else tell me your story if similar?
Also, what kind of timeline am I looking at? I should be having the surgery within the next 3 weeks or so.

Me 28 DH 30 Married 08-11-07 TTC since 07/11 HSG 01-21-13 Left FTB Seeing RE 1-28-13 RE 1-28-13 Both tubes blocked LAP surgery 2-15-13 Both tubes removed
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