
6 Weeks PP - Normal or not?

DD went through a growth spurt I'm pretty sure beginning of last week at 5 weeks old (feeding constantly, I felt empty, awake all the time, increased fussiness, etc...). Well, everything leveled out for a few days, and now for the last few days I have been really full and sore. She doesn't seem to be eating as much (still eating about every 2 1/2-3 hours but gets really mad if I try to get her to eat before she is ready, rarely will take a second side, I still feel pretty full after she's done even on the side she ate on, she is eating for much shorter periods of time, letdown has been pretty extreme from me being so full - sometimes spraying a good 10-12 inches out when she pulls off from the craziness - so I've been trying to express enough to slow it down before she eats). Diaper output still seems okay - plenty of poopy and wet diapers. I'm just confused as to why I'm hurting from being so full now, and she seems to be eating so much less. :/ Anyone else go through this roller coaster? Will things level out? Any advice on getting through it?
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