3rd Trimester

Roughest 48 hrs of my life...

My Grandmother passed away yesterday afternoon at the beautiful age of 73. She was so excited when she found out I was pregnant and couldn't wait to hold her first Great-Grandchild. She had the dream of making a baby blanket for him or her, and wanted it to be a surprise.

I picked out yarn for her this fall so she could start, bought the wrong kind, and had to take it back. we never got to get her the right kind to make it as her health declined and she went into the hospital around the holidays.

She had a happy fullfilling life, and I am happy for the time God gave us to spend with her. It just pains me that I am so close, but so was she. She passed peacefully, and I am glad for that. But it's still hard and she has left a hole in my heart.

I only ask two more things of her, to look after her Great-Grandchild from where she is, and to point me in the right direction for the pattern that she wanted to make for me so that the baby's blanket can still be made.

Liz BabyFruit Ticker image image
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