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Holy diapers, Batman!

DH and I have been slowly stocking up on diapers these last few months. Nothing crazy, just a pack here and there in sizes N-3. Two weeks ago some friends threw a baby shower and we were gifted with the diapers from the diaper cakes, a diaper game, and a friend brought a package of opened diapers she didn't get through with her 3 month old. All of them are size 1. Because I knew how much we had of everything else, I decided to count how many I received from others. Y'all, I have 335 size 1 diapers- 200 of which come from my friends. What am I supposed to do with those? Because of when we bouht our other size 1s only the smaller of our two packages (a 50 count) can be returned. To make it worse, a coworker just gave me an unopened box of Newborn diapers and we now have 160 of those. Will I even get through half of them?? What should I do? I plan on returning the size 1s we have a receipt for, but what should I do with the others that I can't return? I remember where DH and I bought our packages of N and size 1 diapers (BRU back in November, but we have no receipt), but... Yeah, I'm at a loss... Suggestions?
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