Pregnant after IF

Just wanted to share...

We had a dr appt yesterday and the girls have doubled since our last appt 4 weeks ago!  Baby A is 2lbs and Baby B is 2lbs 1oz... both are as healthy as can be (and playing together already... so sweet).  I can't believe I'm already entering my 3rd tri... WOW time has flown!  As anxious and excited as I am to meet our girls, I'm loving being pregnant and trying to take in each and every moment!

Hope everyone is well... Happy Tuesday from me and my girls!

Just thought I'd share this pic from my shower... it was so nice to celebrate our little miracles with great family and friends (yes, my sister made me wear that sash... payback for when I did it to her)!


TTC since March 2011 ~ ME (27), DH (47)
IVF #1 - Follistim + Menopur beginning 6/10, Lupron Trigger 6/20, Retrieval 6/22
ER - 19, 10 fertilized with ICSI; ET postponed to 08/2012 due to risk of OHSS
FET 08/14/12 - 2 5-day blasts transferred
5dp5dt - hpt = BFP!!!
08/19 Beta 1 = 39; 08/24 Beta 2 = 384; 8/28 Beta 3 = 2612!!
First U/S 8/30/12 = IT'S TWINS!!!
11/30/12 A/S - TWO GIRLS!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Skylar Elena and Hollyn Isabella will be here Spring 2013!
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