August 2013 Moms


A few of you may remember last week when I posted that DH really wants to get a vasectomy after this baby. He wants to wait until late 2014 to do it though. Just to make sure everything goes okay with this baby in the first year. And so he can be sure he is really DONE.

I got pregnant while using birth control, NuvaRing, even though ive used it for 6 years i dont think DH will trust it ever again! lol!

I prefer not to use bc while BFing. Yes, I know there are pills that are safe...just don't want to. So I've been thinking of other options.

Anyway, anyone have any experience with an IUD? Can you feel them when they are in? Cost? Did your insurance cover some of it? Would you recommend it? Drawbacks?

August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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