3rd Trimester

Question about low fluid

I also posted on March 13 board

Hello everyone! I have a question about low fluid, just wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this. With my first pregnancy I found out at 36 weeks that my fluid was pretty low. Dr put me on bed rest for 3 days and it went up a tiny bit, another 4 days and it had gone down, below 5, so they went ahead with a csection because she was breech.

This time, my dr wanted to check my fluid early just to stay on top of it and sure enough, at 29 weeks it was at an 8. He said it was not alarming but a little on the low side so he wanted to keep an eye on it and had me come in for weekly visits to check it. After 3 weeks and my fluid going down a tiny bit each week he wanted me to see a HR dr to see if there was an underlying problem.

I had my appointment with HR dr today and my fluid was down to a 6. She said that she is concerned with it and now wants me coming in for weekly visits with her and my regular OB. which I think is a little extreme but as long as LO is ok then I'll go with it. Seems like HR dr could check my fluid weekly and I could go to OB for normal visits every couple weeks

My questions are, if someone has dealt with fluid being low this early, what did they do for it? She said if it goes below 5 they will put me in the hospital, does anyone know what I will have to do in the hospital if that happens? If it doesn't get any better could they take her early? Would anything with low fluid cause me to have to have a CS? I can ask most of these questions when I go back next week, I just didn't think about most of it until after I left the office today.

If anyone has any experience, insight or anything else I would appreciate it! Thanks ladies!
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