August 2013 Moms

Please tell me I'm not alone

I was reading this recent 'natural birth' thread and it got me thinking.  I hope I'm not alone with this thought process but, if I am, oh least I'm not stressed out.  So here it goes.  I'm a FTM, too.

I am absolutely, 100% not worried about labor.   My though is that it's one day that will suck really bad but in the end, God willing, I will have a beautiful baby and that will be it.  Likewise, I'm not really overly zealous about pregnancy either and I don't plan on reading any pregnancy books (if convinced I should, I probably read the mayo clinic book).  I get the big things like which foods to avoid, what you can eat, what you should eat, and common symptoms and ailments and when to call your OB.  My thoughts on labor are as simple as, if it hurts, get pain medicine, relax, breathe, it'll be over eventually.  Women have been birthing babies for years so I guess it just seems kinda pointless to me to spend 9 mos prepping your brain for one day.

On the other hand, having a baby terrifies me.  I can't read enough baby books.  I'm scared s***less to be responsible for another person.  I already stalk the 0-3, 3-6 mos boards to prepare for the baby.  

Anyway, I just don't know if my feelings are strange or normal  (FTM, again!) and would like some feedback.  I'm typically a pretty low-stress kind of person and the first in my circle of friends and close family to have a baby so that might contribute to feelings; I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. Oh well, let me have it! Am I crazy??

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