3rd Trimester

Painful discomfort

Randomly, almost daily, I have a moment when the discomfort increases to such a degree it becomes painful. Breathing requires actual effort on my part or my chest starts to hurt from a lack of oxygen type feeling, my stomach hurts (not contractions, not that I recognize at least), and my back hurts no matter what position I'm in. Nothing relieves it, nothing seems to trigger it. I could have just cleaned my entire house top to bottom or I could have been having the world's laziest morning, it'll happen. It's not like any one thing hurts and I can't fully describe it beyond being so uncomfortable in my torso that it escalates to painful.

Is anyone else experiencing something similar? I have a dr appointment tomorrow and I intend to bring it up, but until then... 

DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS Due- 3/24/13 BabyFetus Ticker
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