August 2013 Moms

No I Am Not Sick

I know with the flu going around everyone thinks people with the sniffles is sick. Therefore at work I keep having to say no I am not sick I have:

Nasal congestion ? also known as rhinitis of pregnancy - will affect between 20 and 30 percent of all pregnant women. It can start as early as your 8th week and may even last until you have given birth to your baby. (Yes I explain all this because most people think I am lying or something)

The increased level of estrogen during pregnancy contributes to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and may even cause you to produce more mucus. Add to this the fact that you have an increased level of blood throughout your blood vessels ? which expand while you are pregnant ? and you have the wonderful effect of nasal congestion and increased chances of nose bleeds.

Not to vent I understand the flu is going around but why would I like about it. Trust if I had the flu I would be at home under the bed. I am super sleepy these days and it hard as he!! to get to work most days. Vent over.

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