3rd Trimester

nbr: dangerous mistake

so my younger brother takes meds at his school nurses office for his ADHD and my mom went in today to refill his bottle... but found it was already full... with 60 pills she had never seen before and that WERE NOT my brothers medication....

This is violating all sorts of rules wouldn't you think? even if it was a genuine mistake that seems really dangerous to me if he took somebody else's meds....  what would you ladies do and who would you talk to? am I blowing this out of proportion by telling her she should have torn someone a new one? I would have been livid! 


ETA: New info... she went in and the bottle had been filled with another kids medicine by the nurse... he would have received the medicine tomorrow had my mother not gone in to refill it... the nurse wasn't too worried according to my mom... said "oh it's a good thing you came in today and caught that"

who do you go to over the nurse?

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