Pregnant after IF

Success with an 8 cell grade 1/6 cell grade 1 or 6 cell grade 2?

Hi ladies, I am baaaaack! I was out of work last week for retrieval/transfer with no access to a computer, looks like I have a lot of catching up to do! So here is my update: retrieval 1/21 - 20 eggs retrieved/16 mature/only 7 fertilized My hubby's sperm count the day of retrieval was VERY LOW, the lowest we have EVER seen (I am ok, we are dealing with severe MFI) so they had to take a 2nd sample! We were really bummed out because I responded well this cycle. We did a 3dt of 3 embies on 1/23 - an 8 cell grade 1 - a 6 cell grade 1 and 6 cell grade 2 - has anyone heard of success with these types of embies? My beta is Monday 2/4. The lab called yesterday with an update on the last 4 embies they were watching and NONE made it to freeze, they said 1 got really close but didn't have enough cells. We are staying positive :)
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