August 2013 Moms

Supposed to be a bridesmaid - what to do??

I am between a rock and a hard place. Due date is Aug 27th, and my cousin is getting married Sept 21st and I am a bridesmaid.  I just don't know if it's reasonable for me to assume I'll be good to stand up in her wedding so soon after baby arrives.  There are so many "what ifs" around that time....especially what if I was to deliver late.  If I'm late, I could possibly be delivering just a week or so before her wedding.  How do I plan for a bridesmaid dress or get a fitting in so close inbetween?  I'll have to have baby nearby on her wedding day to breastfeed, or will have to sneak away throughout the day to pump, so I feel bad that my mind will be elsewhere and not 100% present for her as she deserves on her big day.  I know she will be happy for me and say whatever I decide to do, but I just don't know what to say.  Do I stay in and just hope that everything will work out, or do I bow out since there will be too many unknowns at that point?  Any thoughts/opinions would be much appreciated! 
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