
Can you develop an overactive letdown?

I never used to have this problem, but in the last week or so, my DS has been choking when nursing.

I am suspicious that with returning to work 3 weeks ago and pumping regularly I may have developed an overactive letdown.  I used to need two rounds of the "let down" feature on my PISA to get milk flowing, but starting last week I barely need it at all.  This morning I turned it off after 15 seconds because I had fully let down.  The amount of milk my breasts release in the first 2 minutes of pumping is ridiculous.  I am usually done pumping within 5 minutes (although I let the pump run for a full 20-25 minutes depending on when my second, smaller letdown kicks in)

Is this possible?  For someone with a "normal" letdown to change to a fast letdown?  I guess we are going to start some laid-back nursing...

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