3rd Trimester


Hey guys, I haven't posted much on here this pregnancy but I've got a situation on my hands I figured someone here could help with.

About 2 weeks ago I started having leakage that is clear, persistent, and weirdly sweetsmelling. I went to LD to have the fluid tested and the pH test came back negative.

It has gotten much heavier and yesterday I went back to the hospital and again got a negative result. The nurse said it isn't urine and that they just don't know what it could be. Like that's not supposed to make me a little uneasy.

So I woke up at 5:30 this AM and my panties were completely soaked through, which had to have happened within the 2 hours I slept. Its still clear with the same smell.

Back story: with DD, my fluid leaked in much the same way. The pH test came back negative with her too, but the nurse was amazing and decided to test my underwear in addition to the swab and that's where the test was returned positive. My water hadn't broken anywhere near completely and my OB had to break it himself when I went into active labor. Yesterday the nurse in LD told me that since she could feel my bag of waters it couldn't be amniotic fluid, so that sort of confused me. DD ended up with meconium in her system and required lots of extra treatment when she was born, and that's not something I want to deal with again.

Instinctively, I feel like something needs to be done... I've got that maternal feeling where I just know something is different but I have no idea how to convey this to my OB, especially since I've been sent home twice over this same issue. I'm usually more of a passive person but I want to be persistent with this... after all, I'm pretty in tune with my body and I know that something is off.

Bottom line: how should I communicate my feelings and concerns with my practitioner a bit more aggressively, and in a manner that will get something done? I feel like they aren't looking hard enough, they are just seeing what's on the surface. I'm beginning to get really worried.
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