
returned to doesn't want to nurse

i returned to work earlier this month when dd was 5 months old.  Up until then she was EBF.  I arranged my schedule and picked a daycare near work so I could nurse her at lunch and as soon as I get out of work before we head home.  This leaves daycare with only having to give her 2 bottles per day.  All other feedings would be BF.

 Well, each day that passes she wants to nurse less and less but will gobble down the whole briottle if I give it to her.  I have only used slow flow nipples but that doesn't see to be helping.  Some BF sessions shell nurse a little, others she'll refuse it entirely.  She's in 10% percentile for weight so I don't want to fool around with not giving her enough food.

I am so sad that she prefers the bottle over me and is nursing less and less.  With working full time i felt like it was a good way to keep our special bond up. Not to mention how nice it was to run into daycare and be able to nurse.  Now I'll have to add extra pumping sessions at work and give her a bottle when i visit and before we head home.

Anyone have any suggetions on how to get my dd to prefer BF again?  I miss our bonding and was trying to BF until she is a year old.  If i can't get her to go back to nursing, I will continue to pump as long as I can (i'm determined) but it definitely makes things more complicated!


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