3rd Trimester

Would you worry just yet?

First off, let me admit that I am a FTM, and one of those paranoid ones where I worry about something being wrong with my baby if I feel sick/off.

 However, the passed two or 3 days, my feet/ankles/toes have been swollen to double their normal size, as well as my hands/fingers. Also, my headaches that my OB has already given me Esgic and Norco both for are beyond those medications helping to do anything but lessen the pain slightly.

I understand the pressure in my cervical area is because she has dropped head down, and I have dilated to 2cm. However, I'm only about 36wk 5 days right now, and know that generally, babies born before 39 weeks are still a bit too young to go home right away and whatnot.

I do have an apt with my OB tuesday afternoon, but was wondering if I should do anything about the swelling/headaches/and pressure/pain before then, or if this is completely normal at this stage. 

I DO feel the baby here and there, just not as much as I was last week. It's more like she pushes versus kicks.

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