
Dream feeding?

What are your thoughts on this? Pros/cons? Personal experiences?

I currently EBF DD who is 7.5 weeks old. I start her last feeding around 7:00 and then put her to bed. She has for the past week or so slept 8 to 9 hours after this feeding and wakes to eat again between 3 and 4 am, then about 2 or so hours again after that. A friend suggested today doing a dream feed before I go to bed at 10:00 (so maybe at about 9:30) to get her through my sleep hours. I had thought about this in passing but now that she said it, I'm wondering if it's worth a shot. I don't necessarily 'need' to, but when I go back to work it would be nice to have uninterrupted sleep :) I know I'm luckier than most with her sleep, so I don't want to sound ungrateful, but DS was sleeping 10 to 11 hours through the night at 7 weeks old, so I'm spoiled ;)

I guess my fear is that I will be offering food when she's not hungry, but I'm not sure that it's a valid fear. So tell me, please - is it something worth doing? 

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