
Repeated Clogged Ducts - Lecithin?

I've been having issues with clogged ducts since the beginning.  For some background: In my first few months of nursing I had mastitis many times but I haven't had a true mastitis episode in almost 4 months.  I also resolved a long-term case of thrush around that same time.  What I haven't been able to stop is clogged ducts. I felt like I could predict when these would happen - longer days at work, after most exercise and always after swimming, weights or anything using my arms. Recently I starting getting 2-3 clogs a week with no obvious cause - I've stopped exercising almost completely, all my bras fit well, no underwire, I pump every 3-4 hours at work, feed every 2-3 hours even at night at home, sleep flat on my back and try not to move at all etc.  I've read though the causes on Kelly Mom and the only thing that might apply is lack of sleep.  I get about 5 interrupted hours but there's no solution to that except to stop BF, and the need to sleep flat on my back isn't helping.

So I decided to try lecithin supplements.  I've been taking it for about 2 weeks and now I seem to get a clot almost every day,  in different spots and sometime new areas, though they do reoccur in some areas. Unrelated?  Anyone else have success with lecithin?  Any other suggestions?

The clots are painful and hard to clear but I am getting used to that process.  Its the sleeping flat on my back and the inability to exercise that are most challengin for me. I've been thinking of throwing in the towel for about a month but it seems really selfish to quit just because I want to go for run or hop in the pool.

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