Pregnant after IF


I guess I should intro here. It looks like I'm pregnant from IVF after several failed IUIs. I'm 8dp5dt. Beta on 6dp5dt was 72 and today it is 285. My first ultrasound is 2/15. I'm still a little nervous but I imagine I'll be that way for quite a while. We transferred two 4aa blasts so we're anxious to find out if one or both implanted. I'm looking forward to joining this group

TTC #1 for Dh, #2 for me. HSG clear. Low AMH and endo. Multiple Clomid w/TI cycles - all BFNs. 2 IUIs with Clomid and 1 with Femara - more BFNs. IVF#1 25R, 15M, 15F. 5DT of two perfect 4AA blasts! Positive HPT at 5dp5dt. Beta #1 6dp5dt - 72. Beta #2 8dp5dt - 285. Beta #3 10dp5dt - 793. Both babies have strong beautiful heartbeats! Baby B miscarried at 7 weeks. Baby A barely holding on. Stick, baby, stick!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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