August 2013 Moms

Rules of the Road!

Alright ladies, we seem to be settling in with fewer and fewer new people. We should establish some Rules of the Road for posting here.


Rule #1

This BMB is not about puppies and rainbows. Do not expect that members of this board will hold your hand and blow smoke up your ass. If you are being ridiculous, you will be called out on it. Understand, though, that nothing is meant as a personal attack (well, if it is, it will be obvious). If you don't like what you're hearing, LEAVE.

Rule #2

SEARCH BEFORE POSTING. If you have a question or crazy symptom, search back a few pages before posting in case someone has asked that very question recently.


Post your rules below. GO GO GO!




This thread is meant to be a funny-ha-ha way of poking fun at things we see that annoy us. The two things I posted are things I see that annoy me regularly. I constantly see threads about, for example, acne and cramping/spotting. I also frequently see posts about people saying we're mean and heartless because they don't like the answers they're getting.

I completely understand that the people who need to read this won't, and it probably won't make a damn bit of difference on how people will act anyhow. Just have fun with this.


BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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