
BFing at my mother's funeral

Have you ever nursed at a funeral? TIps ideas? I don't want to leave my baby with anyone during my mom's funeral. Plus, going five or six hours without nursing or pumping will hurt my boobs. I do have bottled breast milk, but I don't have a way to heat it or keep it cool during the entire wake/funeral/drive to cemetary/burial process. It'd be simpler to just BF. I don't think my mother would find it offensive, though many in church might find it inappropriate. Thoughts?

 EDIT: I should add that I'll have to sit in the front row and be in the receiving line for the funeral. I won't be able to leave and BF at any given moment bc I'm the daughter so I'll be front and center. ANd I don't want to give the baby to anyone. I can't explain why I feel that way. I think I'd be nervous if I couldn't see my kid or didn't know where he was. It's a big church and I don't want anyone playing pass the baby. He's only 12 weeks.

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