Pregnant after IF

Baby shower vent -- WWYD? (Long)

Sorry, but I just had to share this with you all to see if I'm just completely off my rocker due to pg hormones, or if my feelings are reasonable...

A friend recently offered to throw DH and I a baby shower.  Neither of us are really "crowd-type" people, and we feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention, but we do feel like LO is worth celebrating; so we took her up on it -- but emphasized that we wished to keep it small and intimate.  She agreed and asked us to send her our guest list and a choice of possible shower dates.

I send these to her today, only to get a e-mail response from her that she's already enlisted the help of a group of mutual friends that I DIDN'T include on my guest list.  Her words were, "I noticed that so and so weren't on the list , but they've been helping me plan your shower, and I don't know how to backtrack on this; so if it's okay with you, they'll all be there to celebrate too."

I'm truly touched that there are so many friends willing to be involved in throwing this shower for us, and I also understand that she needs support.  But I am also upset that she didn't consult us first before "recruiting" her team.  She basically added many more people to our guest list for us.  I'm not sure if she just didn't take us seriously when we said that we wanted this shower to be small.  But it's almost to the point where DH and I aren't sure we even still want a shower, because it is becoming much bigger and way more awkward than we bargained for.  Am I off-base here?  What would you do?    




Married June 2007, TTC since May 2010. Me=40, age-related infertility, DOR, low prog, low AMH. DH=37,low morph.
IUI#1 (Dec. 2011)=BFN, IUI#2=unexpected early O=TI=BFN. Official IUI#2=BFN.
Stims for IVF#1 started 7/6/12. ER done 7/15/12. ICSI and AH. Transferred 2 embies 7/17/12. Stick little ones, stick! Beta 7/30/12=BFN HcG less than 2.
Surprise BFP while deciding next steps! EDD: 5/10/13
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