August 2013 Moms

DH ate my lunch- vent

I had leftovers in the fridge that I literally dreamed about eating while I was taking a nap this morning. I got up to make lunch for DD and myself, only to find out that DH had fed her early and eaten my food. I even said to him before I went in the kitchen that I couldn't wait to eat my leftovers, and he didn't say a word. Then I started crying because I couldn't find my food. I asked him 3 times if he ate it before he would answer me.

His excuse was that he didn't think I was going to wake up for lunch so he thought it would be ok. Like I wouldn't need to eat when I got up. I'm on a pretty restrictive diet and can't eat most of the things I am craving at the moment, so I'm extra sad. I only got to eat 3 bites of it at the restaurant because I got full right away, so there was a ton left and he didn't leave me any :(

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