
Advice Please

I am pg with my 3rd child and am trying to figure out if I will try to breastfeed or not once he's born. A little background - I did not BF my first child and had major regrets later. So with my second, I decided to give it a try. It didnt work out so well. She did not have a good latch, our LC at the hospital was only there one day out of my 4 day stay, she ended up with jaundice, I was pumping like crazy, stressed, and only lasted two weeks then went to FF. I said I'll never BF again after our experience. However, now that I'm pg I'm wondering if I should give it another chance. This child may have a better latch, and now I feel like I have a little clue how it all works. But I dont think I will be able to EBF or EP because I will be busy with my other two children, I dont want to be tied to a pump or spend 15-30 every 2 hours for a feeding. So, my questions are: If I try to BF at the hospital so that the baby gets the colostrum, do I have to EBF to get a supply going, or can I alternate with formula every other feeding? I'd like the baby to get the colostrum but dont want to stress myself out with feeling like the baby is starving and might get jaundice. Another question I have is when we get home, I'd like to continue to BF maybe at nights (when DH can help with older children) and FF during the day. What are my chances of having a milk supply to accomodate that if I've started out alternating in the hospital? I know if this baby doesnt latch, feeding from a bottle may confuse him and make BF even more difficult, and if it does I will FF. I'm just hoping this baby gets it natural and will have a good latch. I guess I'm wanting the baby to have the benefits of my BM but also dont want to be a stressed out mommy trying to keep up with all the demands around here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Mommy to Braylon: Born 12/26/06 via c-section & Kensley: Born 11/19/08 via repeat c-section
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