August 2013 Moms

So Relieved!

After reading a lot of posts about women saying their goodbyes, I feel a little guilty about this post. Today was my 2nd appointment (I'm 11 weeks today) where we were able to hear the heartbeat (170 bpm). I asked my DH to go with me just in case they couldn't find one because although I said I would be fine, I did not want to have a breakdown in the docs office. It took the nurse about 45 seconds to find the heartbeat which was way too long for me and my DH. I just kept staring at the ceiling unable to look at DH until she finally found it. I didn't cry but I felt so relieved that everything was still on track. I am so very thankful that everything seems to be "perfect" and can finally exhale. I was reading what felt like a goodbye post every day and I feel so sorry for those having to deal with such a loss. Afterwards DH and I went to a coffee shop and for the first time talked about future nursery plans and baby names- today has been awesome!! After deciding to do the NT scan primarily for another ultrasound (I have great insurance) which is scheduled for Feb. 6th, I don't think I will be able to hold the news in any longer.

I know this was a long post, and for that I'm sorry- but posting it has been something I've been looking forward to for quite some time. It totally makes yacking in the toilet with a nose bleed while my DH was in the shower this morning all worth it!!

BabyFruit Ticker
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