August 2013 Moms

First Dr's Appointment update.... a little frustrated ( venting)

Well Yesterday was our first appointment and it was not what I was expecting.... I have been waiting a little over 3 weeks for this appointment . We go to the office the lady at the front desk was less than friendly . I filled out my paperwork and was shuffled into the back on the office to wait. I was taken back for blood work ... then back to the waiting room .... Our nurse came out to get us she was very nice we were taken back to her small office for paperwork . Once we sat down I asked if we were going to meet our midwife as well as hear our baby's heartbeat , ultra sound... anything . She politely said no not this visit you are only here for paperwork ... my eyes filled with tears ( HORMONES ) I let her know that I was 10 weeks and 3 days according to the app on my phone  ( app on my phone lol super official right ) and this was our first baby and I really wanted to make sure all was ok with our little one .. Our nurse made a phone call and let the person on the other line know she was not happy that I have not been set up to have an ultra sound prior to this visit.. I felt some reassurance that she was trying to make this right .... unforturnatly they were not able to fit me in that same day . They were able to get us in next week on Wednesday .. I left the office disappointed and with a not so fuzzy feeling inside..  Thank You for letting me vent ladies 

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