Pregnant after IF

I feel good :)

Evening ladies! Nothing too exciting on my end. I didn't like my OB so I found a new one and met him today and couldnt be happier! I was nervous meeting a new OB almost halfway through the game, but it turned out great in the end! 

 Ever since I "came out" to the fb world, I have had three friends already emails me. Always starts the same "can I ask you a personal question". I understand their shyness of asking, but I wish IF didnt make people so scared and worried to ask for advice. It needs to be spoken of more and it be okay to ask questions. Maybe one day 

 Anyways, each of these friends have asked me about my journey and I am always open to to talk about it. I feel so great knowing I've shed hope on someone and I've become close to some very old friends who are going through a similar issue. Just wanted to say that it makes me feel so blessed to be where I am at today and being able to help those that are to shy/afraid. 

Hope you all are having the most amazing of days!!

Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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