August 2013 Moms


So, people frustrate me. Reason being? My husband and I have pretty much completed our nursery. Yes, I know I am only 10 weeks and there's still risks. But here's WHY we've knocked it out so quickly.

1. My husband owned a business in town doing computer repair, and after we found out we were expecting he decided to move it home so he could be around more and get things done in the house and lift the burden from me. Our determined nursery was his current computer room, so in order for him to move the business home we needed to switch his computer stuff from the future nursery to the second bedroom... well, we didn't want to leave a mess and empty room so he painted. Neutral colors. We had carpet waiting to be installed by my stepdad from a long time ago, so before the painting got done, the carpet got moved in. Now we have a completed room, all nice and fresh paint/carpet and clean. And he has his computer shop moved completely home already set up in the second bedroom.

2. We were out shopping one day and came upon a crib/changing table that was HUGELY discounted, received 5 stars, and there was only 1 left. So we went for it.

3. Bedding. I was very specific in wanting a Snoopy themed nursery so with a lot of hard work, he found a very RARE set and had to jump on it.

I have people who are down my throat saying "WOW you didn't waste any time, what are people going to buy you guys now?" Umm car seats.... stroller... breast pump... etc. "Why the rush?" No rush. It's 10 degrees out, we honestly don't have anything else to look forward to right now so why not have these little weekend projects. "But aren't you worried something will happen?" Yes. It's a possibility. However, we WILL have a child one way or another one day. So our efforts are not going to waste.

Sorry. I just needed to vent. Sometimes I feel like people just need to mind their own business and let others do what they please. *exhale*

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