Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Did you have an amazing baby shower?

Hi Bumpies!

Have you had the most exquisite baby shower? If so, we want to hear from you! We're very excited to launch a new series on our blog that features the best and most beautiful baby showers from our community. We?re looking for creative themes, amazing execution and gorgeous photos. The best will be featured each week on The Bump blog! Please send your submissions with ?BABY SHOWER SUBMISSION? as the subject line. Guidelines are below.

Thank you!

Please include the following in your submission:

Your Info:

? Full Name

-- Username on

? Email Address

-- Company name (if applicable)

? Blog/Website Address (if applicable)

Party Details:

Include a description of the theme, decorations, food and drink, and any other accompanying details such as favors, activities, DIY projects, etc. Also, please let us know why you chose your theme.


Our shower posts will be highly visual! Please include between 5-10 (or more, if you have them!) images that are unwatermarked and at least 800 pixels wide. Please note that events with high quality photography and beautiful detail shots are more likely to be featured. Images can be sent via email ? either as a link to your website, as attachments or as a .zip file. If your attachment is larger than 5 megabytes, please send it via a free filesharing service like dropbox or yousendit.

Vendor Credits:

Please include the names of vendors that should be credited in the post such as photographers, florists, bakeries, etc. along with links to their websites. Shopping resources with links are also appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE: If your party has already been submitted or featured somewhere else other than your own blog or website, please let us know where and when.

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