August 2013 Moms

Looking for reassurance

My pregnancy came as a surprise to my husband and I.  In the very early weeks of my pregnancy, I was drinking - a lot - about once a week.  I got my positive test at 5 weeks and, naturally, stopped.  This, the Drs have pretty much shrugged off, but I was also on a prescription drug for bi-polar disorder that has been closely linked to a number of birth defects.  I stopped taking this immediately, also.  Because of this, I am considered high-risk.  Something I have not really taken too seriously, more just as a precaution, but as my consult with the high-risk Drs approaches, I am getting more and more anxious/afraid about what possible damage I have caused.  I guess I don't really have a question, it's just that I was so afraid of M/C earlier on (I'm at 10w5d), and now as the end of my first trimester nears, I have a whole new set of fears and anxieties.  Phew, sorry for that!
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