August 2013 Moms

Question for STMs...Stretching??

Hi Ladies,

I am asking this question to STMs, because you have been through pregnancy before.  I am new at this and just want to make sure what I was feeling last night was normal...

I know around this time the baby is growing rapidly and there is a lot of stretching of your uterus, muscles, etc.  Last night I was lying on the couch and suddenly out of no where I had the weirdest sensation in my lower abdomen. It felt like someone was in there twisting the crap out of my muscles.  And then the discomfort was similar to that after you have had a massive laughing attack and your stomach muscles hurt... but for a good 15 minutes everything just seemed to seize up and all I could do was lay there.  If I tried to move in any way at all it was extremely uncomfortable.  Does this sound like the normal stretching pains that go on??

Is my little peanut just making more room for him/herself?? I definitely wasnt expecting to feel it that much which is why I felt the need to get a second opinion from you lovely ladies that have been through this once or twice.

Thanks in advance! Smile

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