August 2013 Moms

NBR - DH vent

We have one debit card and I keep the card. I dropped the kids off at school this morning and come to work and text my DH good morning and he informs me he took the debit card so he can get some cigs. So now I am seriously freaking out, I have NO gas in my car, none! I didn't get gas when I got off yesterday because I didn't feel like it so I was going to get it today and I always have the card so why should I not think I would have it today. Not only do I not have any gas but I have no lunch because I didn't bring anything thinking I would have money! He is a driver for Coke so it's not like he can come bring me the card I have to wait until he gets off and that could be anywhere from 3pm to 7pm and I have to pick up my daughter from daycare by 6pm. UGH!! And all he says is I'm sorry but you have had card why didn't you get gas or how was I supposed to know you didn't have any gas. Ummm by asking!!! Real simple, I should have card so there was no reason for me to get gas knowing I could get it today. All he had to do was tell me he needed money and I would have went to ATM or instead of playing xbox for 3 hours last night he could have went to ATM or went to get his cigs. Now I'm basically stranded and freaking out that something is going to happen at school with one of my kids and I will not be able to do anything. Sorry for the long rant but I am beyond furious right now!
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