August 2013 Moms

Surprised at how relieved I am...

I had my NT Scan yesterday. I've had 2 m/c and I'm over 35 so I've kind of been holding my breath the hold time. DH and I originally agreed tha we weren't going to tell anyone until after we got the MaterniT21 results back, but our results yesterday were so good I don't feel like we need to wait. The baby's NT measurement was only 1.6 putting me at very low risk.

 It's amazing how far the technology has come since my last child was born. We we able to see so much. It was almost like a little mini-anatomy scan. Very cool. It's starting to feel real now Smile I really didn't think I'd feel this way until after the blood work came back. Good luck to everyone who's doing this test soon!

Mommy to DS#1 7/1/04 and DS#2 6/15/07 M/C 2/16/10 at 9wks 5 days~ D&C 2/18/10 BFP#4 5/17/11 C/P. BFP#5 11/30/12 Surprise! BabyFruit Ticker
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