
Dropping a feeding??

Normally ds nurses when we get home 4:45/5ish. The last 3 nights he hasn't wanted anything to do with this and during the hour i continue to offer and he doesnt want it. Tonight he screamed and screamed until I put him in the high-chair and gave him some meat, cheese, and green beans and he was happy and smiling.  Is he dropping this feeding? I'm sorta sad because it was our time after being apart. When do they start to drop feedings?

 He's 8.5 months and here's our schedule:

8am nurse

9am fruit at dc

11am 4oz bottle

Noon veggie at dc

2:30 4oz bottle

5 would nurse, but dropping maybe

6 dinner...whatever we eat

7 nurse

Wakes 1-2xs a night to nurse 

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