Pregnant after IF

Laparoscopy? ? TTTC Question

So, I don?t want to bring up any bad memories for anyone, and I don?t know if this is the right board or not, as I am a regular on the TTTC board. I saw another question about the Laparoscopy surgery below, but my question is slightly different.

 My DH and I have been TTC for over a year and I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Damn Cyst and High DHEA) I am not overweight and all other hormones are normal. We had two monitored Clomid cycles, but it seemed to bother my problem child right ovary. I now have a big old cyst on it (3.75cm) and my doctor wants me to have a laparoscopy to remove it. That is scheduled for next week. I am not afraid for the surgery, as much as I just want to get it done.

My question (and hope) is to find someone out there who has had a positive experience with a laparoscopy. Dr. Google hasn?t been that helpful. Does your cycle get all wonky? Do you still O afterwards or does that shift. My doc says everyone is different, but wanted to hear any stories or advice for afterwards.

Thank you in advance any advice you may have and congratulations to you all in your pregnancy journerys. I hope to join you someday! J

Me 29/ DH 31 TTC = 11/11 HSG = Normal, LH = Low (almost normal) FSH = LOW, DHEA = HIGH SA = Normal 11/12: 50mg of Clomid = BFN 12/12: 50mg Clomid + Estrogen Patch +Progesterone (2x a day) = BFN 1/13: Benched - FU Cyst 1/31: Laparoscopy to remove cysts on right ovary 2/13: AF arrived(2/9)Trying on our own till April
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