August 2013 Moms

Pelvic Pain

Today started some very uncomfortable pelvic pain. When I say pelvic pain I don't mean cramps or soreness from stretching. It hurts, and it is quite uncomfortable to the point I don't want to get out of the bed. It hurts down low and spreads through my thighs. When I try to get up it hurts, walking hurts and it just hurts. There is a lot of pressure and I don't know where it is coming from. I called my OB already they said to go to the doc within 24 hours so I will be going tomorrow. I think baby is ok but just not sure what is causing the pain. I felt pain like this with my second but not til 3rd tri when I was huge and she was low in my pelvis. I am only 11 weeks so I doubt it is that. I am just very uncomfortable right now and feel almost like my cervix and pelvic floor hurt. So hard to describe I am just worried.
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