Pregnant after IF

Birth Story long

So it all starts on Monday. I had my first OB appointment and we discovered I had really high blood pressure, like 160 over 114. And all my other measurements were similar. I found out later that my numbers were like seizure high, yikes! So after my scary high blood pressure the doctor thought it was wise to start the induction process that day. I agreed. So at 2 pm he put cervadril in and I stayed the night cuz they wanted to watch my blood pressure.

Okay next day. Good news, the doctor offered my Midwife to do the induction if she felt comfortable and she said yes. So I got my Midwife after all. Okay so we started oxytocin at 9:30 am. Didn't start feeling real contractions until 2:00. Then things got INTENSE. I was having wicked back labour, and weirdly I was feeling pain in my thighs during contractions. It got really bad, like contractions every 2 to 3 minutes, lasting about a minute. And they were basically making me cry. So at 5cm dilated I asked for an epidural. It was a VERY good thing. It took the pain away and allowed me to relax. So I kept dilating until about 7.5 cm. Then I pretty much stalled. I only progressed half a centimeter in 4 hours. At this point my Midwife consulted with the OB. He checked me, said if I didn't progress in the next half hour he wanted me to consider a section. So we prayed about it. And decided that if we were supposed to give birth vaginally it would be open, and if not there would be no progress. That way I felt peace about whatever happened. Well the doctor came back an hour later and nothing. He even had me try to push to help move the cervix, she was stuck!

So we got ready for the section. It was an interesting experience, DH got to be with me the whole time holding my hand. The OR staff were amazing!! In fact she was so stuck the dr had to use foreceps to help deliver her by section. She really jammed herself in a corner lol. So Hannah Anne Marie was born at 2:49 am, weighing 9lbs 3oz, she is 21 1/4 inches long. She is so perfect and beautiful!! I can't post any pictures yet cuz I'm still at the hospital and I'm on my phone.

I'm doing well, was walking around today a few times. I'm a bit sore but it's totally worth it!
Diagonsed PCOS
TTC since May 2009
First M/C December 2010 Second M/C August 2011
Oct 2011~Second round clomid 50 mg; BFN
Nov 2011~Third round clomid 50 mg: BFP
Dec 11- Beta #1 91;Dec 13- Beta #2 186.2
Dec 27- third miscarriage
May 25th- Beta #1 369;May 27th- Beta #2 798
Baby girl born Jan 23, 9lbs 3oz, 21 1/2" long
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