August 2013 Moms

A little Disappointed and feel bad about it =(

Hi there, 

 I am exactly 12 weeks pregnant today.  I had my testing done where they check the amount of skin and fluid on the neck.  Before we started the ultra sound I asked the tech to tell me his prediction on the gender of my baby since I know sometimes you can tell this early.  Well I am really really wanting a girl, since I have 2 boys already and my BF has a son as well.  Well as the ultrasound went on I notice a bump down there and immediately thought boy.  So did the Tech =( Has anyone else been able to tell this early??  The tech said it was just a educated prediction.  Not 100% sure.  ( I sure hope he is wrong ) I am feeling really down about this.  But I know as long as I have a healthy, happy baby, the sex does not matter.  I JUST REALLY WANT A GIRL!! BAD!!

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