3rd Trimester

Hope to have a VBAC - 9 days till CS - discouraged

I have 9 days left till I'm 40 weeks. At 40 weeks I'm scheduled to have a CS if I don't go into labor.  If I do go into labor this will be a VBAC for me.  My first pregnancy was breach. I saw my midwife today and am only a 1 cm dilated.  If I was more dilated she would have stripped my membranes to encourage labor.

Both midwives in my group say to have lots of sex to encourage dilation and effacement. The problem is finding the time and having a husband with a low libido. They say to have "good sex" at least once a day.  I don't think this will happen and I know my husband is stressed over this. Talk about being put on the spot. We don't have the time, don't feel like doing it and now they say to do it 1-2 times a day?!?

I've been using primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea and nipple stimulation for the past 5 days or so.  All that has happened is my baby has dropped and my braxton hicks contractions have severely slowed. I really need some words of encouragement!  So don't want another CS and am feeling very depressed over the possibility.

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