August 2013 Moms

Another one bites the dust

First u/s today, no heartbeat. Doctor had blood drawn today to check hcg levels & will do another draw on Friday to make sure they aren't going up. The sac measured at 6 weeks and should be 9.5 weeks. So the test on Friday is just a procedural confirmation of what I already know.

My doc is fantastic and said that I didn't have to have the blood drawn because she trusts my dates. I told her that I didn't mind having one additional confirmation before starting the termination process. (The u/s doctor and the NP tried to tell me my dates might be off. I kept trying to explain that I got a + HPT 6 weeks ago, so it wasn't physically possible for me to only be 6 weeks. They brushed it off, but my doctor didn't. That meant a lot during the whole ordeal this morning.)

Thanks for the fun, girls. I will miss you guys. Lots of love & luck!

TTC #1 since 1/12
BFP 12/13/12 * EDD 08/24/2013 * MMC CONFIRMED 1/23/13
TTGP Blog - A Good Read!
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